
Showing posts from April, 2021

Why To Consider Undergoing a Root Canal

We know you don’t want to think about undergoing a root canal, but bear with us. Here’s why you should consider it. Damaged, broken, and badly infected teeth sometimes need to be extracted. Extraction, however, is not your dentist’s only tool for dealing with badly damaged teeth. Root canal therapy in St. Albert can eliminate the need for tooth extractions. Root canal therapy has a reputation for being painful and invasive. The real facts about root canal therapy, though, are very different. Modern technology and techniques have made root canal therapy virtually pain-free. Root canal therapy takes the pain of an infected tooth away for good. What is a root canal? Every tooth contains a pulp chamber that holds the living tissue of your tooth, including anatomical areas called root canals. Those root canals contain the blood vessels, connective tissues and nerves that feed and sustain a living and healthy tooth. The interior of a tooth can become infected by serious tooth decay, b