What’s the First Step in TMJ Treatment?

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the articulation that connects your jaw with your cranium, specifically with the temporal bone. Thanks to the TMJ, we can move our jaws up and down and from side to side, as well as eat and speak without any abnormalities. So, what happens if we have a problem with it? Let’s talk about temporomandibular joint syndrome, also known as temporomandibular disorder (TMD).

TMD can be very painful. Any clicking or pain in our TMJ is a form of these disorders, and it can affect our daily tasks, such as chewing, biting, speaking, and yawning. If you think you are suffering from TMD, we recommend seeking TMJ treatment near you.

However, how can you be sure that what you are experiencing is, in fact, TDM? We will take a close look at the causes, symptoms, and steps to take in the case of TMD.

TMD Causes

·      A blow to the face that hurts your teeth or jaw.

·      Injured head or neck muscles.

·      Arthritis.

·      Parafunctional habits, such as bruxism (the excessive grinding of your teeth and jaw).

·      Daily stress.

Any of the reasons mentioned above can cause TMD to develop and it will show through the following symptoms:

TMD Symptoms

·      Pain in your face, jaw, shoulders, or neck; or a combination of each.

·      Pain in your ear area when you widely open your mouth.

·      Clicking sounds at the moment of opening or closing your mouth.

·      Swelling.

·      The locking of your jaw after opening your mouth widely.

·      Tired face.

·      Headaches and neck aches.

·      Severe toothaches.

·      A constant ringing in the ear.

Having one of the symptoms above, or a combination of them, may suggest that you are suffering from TMD, and you should seek TMJ treatment in St. Albert. However, before visiting a dentist near you for help, there are some things you can do to alleviate your pain. Let’s check them out:

  1. Taking painkillers – If you are not allergic, take one Ibuprofen every 8 hours for three days to reduce your pain.
  2. Massaging the area – Take your index and middle finger to form a straight line and start making circular movements in the joint area, and move your jaw from side to side to help loosen it. You can perform this massage twice a day for better results.

Once you visit our dentist in St. Albert, what’s next?

TMD Treatment

For slight pain that doesn’t affect daily tasks, it might be enough to massage daily. However, if your pain is too severe, and you cannot even sleep due to it, your dentist might advise you to undergo orthotic treatment.

You will discuss your symptoms with your doctor, and he or she will take a set of X-rays to see how serious the problem is. If your jaw is misaligned, your dental professional will take impressions of your jaw in what should be its natural position to create the device. Keep in mind that you will have to wear the device almost all day, and it is expensive, so you should weigh the pros and cons, and see if it’s the best option for you.

Many patients that suffered severe pain stated that it’s worth the investment. In the end, your quality of life is priceless. However, if you have minor symptoms, maybe you are not ready to undergo orthotic treatment. The decision is entirely yours.

You may contact us for a free TMJ consultation and determine what’s better for you. We recommend taking these decisions along with a professional.

Our caring specialists will examine you and guide you through the entire process, and most importantly, will be happy to help you achieve the quality of life you deserve.


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