Why a Dental Crown Is the Best Option in Extending the Life of the Tooth

Dental procedures have come a long way; decades ago, many teeth that could have been preserved were extracted due to lack of knowledge, but nowadays, there are many options to extend the life of your teeth. For example, damaged teeth can be saved with root canal therapy and dental crowns in St. Albert.

Even though the ideal situation is that people would keep their permanent teeth healthy during their lives, many patients come to our dental office in St. Albert looking for options that preserve a damaged tooth.

If you have one or many teeth compromised, you should not ignore it, and visit a dental clinic near you to seek treatment. The less time you wait, the better the odds of saving the tooth. We will discuss why a dental crown is an excellent option for it.

Benefits of a Dental Crown

1.    They Strengthen Your Tooth

If you have severe tooth decay, your dentist may suggest the placing of a dental crown to add additional support to the tooth. There are other dental restorations, such as resin composites, but these cannot withstand heavy occlusal forces and may break.

Dental crowns are the best option to restore teeth that don’t have enough dental structure left.

2.   Fix One or Many Cracked teeth

Tooth decay is not the only reason why a tooth loses dental structure; you can also be involved in an accident or end up with a chipped tooth due to a contact sport. In these cases, dental crowns are also the best dental restoration. They can last for up to a decade, and even more if you take proper care.

3.   Boost Your Self-Esteem

Studies have shown that people with cracked teeth have a decrease in their self-confidence. A dental crown not only feels natural, but it also looks like your natural tooth. They can be tooth-colored for a beautiful smile, and no one will notice that you had a dental issue.

Nobody wants to have a hole in their mouths, and if you lose a tooth, you can restore it with implant-supported crowns, or with a dental bridge (an artificial device that consists in two dental crowns, plus a pontic, which is the fake tooth that will occupy the space of the lost tooth). Dental crowns are a versatile option to gain your confidence back.

Take Care of Your Crown

Dental crowns don’t need any special treatment. It is as simple as keeping up with your dental checkups, brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, floss daily, and maintain a healthy diet. Also, avoid biting hard objects because porcelain, just like teeth, may break. The life of your crown will depend on the care you give to it.

If you made it this far, now you know that there is little reason why you shouldn’t look for dental crowns. If you have a cracked tooth or if you lost one or many teeth, these are the solution to restore your smile and improving your life quality.

Contact Us

If you have any other questions regarding dental crowns, don’t hesitate to contact us. We have a team of excellent and caring dental professionals that are looking forward to helping you restore your teeth for you to avoid the discomfort that comes with having a damaged tooth.

Our doctors will evaluate you and determine if a dental crown is the best option to fix your situation. If what you are looking for is extending the life of your tooth, it sure will be.


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