Should I Choose Braces or Invisalign?


Many decades ago, people didn’t give so much value to aesthetics. If you think about it, metal fillings were very popular, and individuals didn’t mind that their teeth looked dark.

With braces, it occurred the same. Metallic braces were the number one choice, and it was fine. 

However, nowadays, when you visit a dental clinic near you looking for options to enhance your smile, it’s probable that you choose the more aesthetic one, even though it means paying more. 

If you are looking for Invisalign near you to straighten your teeth, keep reading since we will discuss the benefits of this system, and we will talk about other options.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a system that revolutionized the orthodontics game. Decades ago, braces were noticeable and included wires and brackets. Now, you may undergo Invisalign in St. Albert to solve many dental misalignments with a low profile.

What Can Invisalign Fix?

Our orthodontics dentist in St. Albert fixes many dental issues with Invisalign. Among them, you may find crooked teeth, overbites, underbites, crossbites, and gapped teeth (although if they are too large, you may need conventional braces). It’s perfect for young teens and adults who want to straighten their smiles without people noticing. 

Invisalign, hence the name, is nearly invisible! The system includes a series of plastic transparent aligning trays that you wear for about two weeks each. You change every set after this time to the next one until your dentition is in the correct position.

How Much Does Invisalign Cost?

Invisalign, like any cosmetic dental procedure, is expensive. The treatment can cost around $5,000, but you may discuss with our dental professionals about the different payment options.

You may also discuss with your insurance company if they offer any coverage for this treatment; however, being a cosmetic one, it is unusual that they do.

How to Clean Your Aligners?

Invisalign is a removable system. You may remove them before meals and bedtime. We advise doing it only in these cases because the more you use it, the faster you will see the progress in the treatment. And you should wear it for at least 22 hours a day.

After eating, we suggest you brush your teeth before slipping the aligners on again. You will avoid the food particles getting stuck in them. Also, rinse the aligners before wearing them again to remove any debris. 

Once a day (we recommend before bedtime), you must brush them with a soft-bristled toothbrush and a mild soap or the Invisalign cleaning solution. Use lukewarm to cool water because hot ones may bend them out of shape. 

Is Invisalign Better Than Traditional Braces?

It all depends on what you want and need. For example, if you can afford it and don’t want a noticeable treatment, we recommend Invisalign. If, on the other hand, you are on a budget, you may opt for traditional braces because, even if they don’t look so good, they work perfectly.

The main differences are the price and the looks, but both options will straighten your teeth and achieve a beautiful smile. 

Both systems exert pressure to move teeth, and it might be uncomfortable during the first days (you may alleviate it with any over-the-counter painkiller), but, indeed, Invisalign does not have wires or brackets, so you prevent getting poked.

Contact Us

If you are interested in undergoing orthodontic treatment to enhance your smile, you may contact our dental office at your best convenience. We have a team of dental professionals who look forward to helping you in the best possible way.

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