Answering FAQ About a Child’s First Dental Appointment


Whether you might think of this or not, many dentists are parents too! Dentist-parents understand how exciting it is to have a new child. There’s a lot to think about and to plan for. Getting your child to a dentist for the first time may not be high on the list — at least until the days and weeks of teething begin. When the time comes that you’re ready to turn your mind to your child’s first dental appointment, here are answers to common questions we are often asked about a child’s first appointment with a pediatric dentist near me.

When should your child go to the dentist for the first time?

Your child’s baby teeth are a lot more important than they get credit for. Not only will your child rely on them for eating and speaking for the first dozen years of her life, they’ll also define the path for her future permanent teeth. By caring well for those baby teeth, you can help make that path straight and reduce the risk of needing orthodontic work in the future.

Every child should see a kids dentist in St. Albert within six months of her first tooth emerging, but no later than her first birthday. By going earlier rather than later, the staff at a dental clinic near you will be able to identify issues while they can be solved as quickly and inexpensively as possible.

What can parents do, and when?

One reason that many children fear going to the dentist is because the experience of having fingers in their mouth is unusual and intimidating. Parents can help ease that potential for future anxiety and help ensure their child’s early oral health by cleaning their infant’s gums with a clean cloth or finger after every feeding — even before the first tooth erupts. You’ll help keep your infant’s gums clean, and get her more comfortable in advance of meeting the staff at a dental clinic in St. Albert.

What else can parents do to make the first dentist’s appointment easier?

Leading into your child’s first appointment, try to dispel some of the mystery and uncertainty around what they’ll experience. One terrific way to do that is by playing at dentistry as a family. Describe how your dentist will look at and count your child’s teeth, and then let your child look at and count your teeth. Let them watch you brush your teeth and floss, and even help you brush if they’ve got the dexterity to do so.

Should you take your child to your dentist with you?

Maybe, and it depends. Let’s explain that equivocation. One of the reasons you should take your dentist with you is so that she will get familiar with the environment to ease future nervousness. But it will only be effective if your dentist’s office is the same or similar to the office your child will go to when her turn comes. If you go to a general dentist who provides pediatric dentistry near you — and if your dentist’s office is designed, decorated and equipped for children to feel comfortable — taking your child to your appointment as an infant may be a good idea, with your dentist’s blessing.

What is the best time of day to go?

Training for pediatric dentistry in St. Albert makes kids’ dentists experts in treating kids’ teeth. But you are still the best expert in your very own kid. You know best when your child is most relaxed and comfortable, compared to when they begin to tire and become irritable or cranky. Let your dentist’s staff know when your child would be most comfortable — and why — so your dentist’s staff can make the whole process as convenient and comfortable as possible. After all, we all have the same goal: Healthy teeth as comfortably as possible for even the youngest patients.

Don’t hesitate to contact a dentist near you to discover precisely how they can help you prepare your child for her first dentist’s appointment, and for a lifetime of good dental health.


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