The Exciting Comings and Goings of Your Baby’s Teeth

Did you know that teeth start developing while your baby is in your tummy? Yes! Teeth begin to form during the sixth week of life.

If you are a parent, I’m sure your kids are the most important people in your lives. Since mommy’s pregnancy, parents think twice before making a decision, all for the well-being of their baby.

It is due to this reason that a pregnant woman must maintain the best possible nutrition because it will impact the baby’s teeth. She also has to take precautions with the intake of certain medications to ensure that her baby’s smile is healthy and beautiful.

Keep on reading to find out what our children’s dentist in St. Albert has to tell us about the baby teeth.

Natal Teeth

It is relatively rare, but don’t be too surprised if your baby is already showing one or two teeth. Natal teeth can occur in about 1 out of every 2,000 births.

When Do Babies Start Teething?

Usually, babies start showing teeth around the sixth month of life; however, it is not a one-size-fits-all subject. Some babies can start teething when they are four months old, and others may show their first tooth way past the sixth month.

The most typical sign of baby teething is gum redness. Your baby’s gums are red and swollen, and you might find him or her more irritable because this process is uncomfortable for them.

Which Teeth Erupt First?

Commonly, the bottom front teeth are the first ones to emerge; nevertheless, as we stated before, every baby is different, and there are cases in which other teeth come through first.

The next ones to show are the upper front teeth. It happens when your baby is approximately eight months old.

When Should I Bring My Child to a Dentist?

Our kid dentist in St. Albert should see your baby for the first time when his or her first tooth erupts, but you can also wait until they are one year old. It is at this age when babies have from one to ten teeth.

During this visit, our pediatric dentist in St. Albert will evaluate the mouth of your kid. Not only the teeth but also the gums and other soft tissues, such as the cheeks, lips, and tongue to ensure that there are no oral problems.

You may ask your dental professional for advice on cleaning your children's mouth.

How Many Baby Teeth Are There?

In total, your baby will grow twenty dental pieces. When he or she is about three years old, all the primary teeth will be formed.

Primary teeth are essential for your child to eat and speak correctly and show a beautiful smile.

Permanent Teeth

When your kid is about six years old, the first permanent tooth comes in. It will push the primary tooth out, and this will happen with every other tooth. The first permanent teeth to erupt are also the bottom front ones.

By the time your kid is around 13 years old, he or she should have 28 permanent teeth. Later on, sometime between 17 and 25 years old, the wisdom teeth emerge, which are the last teeth you will have.

Permanent teeth, as its name suggests, should be in good condition during your entire life. It is essential to keep proper oral health care to achieve a beautiful and healthy smile. Brushing your teeth at least twice a day, flossing daily, avoiding sugary snacks, and keeping up with your dental checkups are the primary oral care habits that every patient should practice.


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